Tuesday, July 16, 2024


I have a new Snake Plissken adventure in Raffaele Pezzella's Eighth Tower Magazine: Music, Fiction & Modern Mythologies. It's edited by the accomplished Chris McAuley, and the first part is now posted, with the second scheduled to drop on July 30. (The story's striking artwork, which initiates this post, comes courtesy of the generous Mr. Pezzella.) 

"Snake vs Snake: Escape from Carny Land" is the title, with events stationed in toxic-laden Arizona, at an amusement park that's been transformed into a scientific, research facility. Reptilian mutants roam the landscape, as led by Snake's rival, Idris Coulson. 

Idris is reminiscent of Ox Baker's Slag from Escape from New York, as well as Robert Clarke's Gilbert McKenna from The Hideous Sun Demon, Dirk Benedict's David Blake from Sssssss and Waylon Jones, better known as Gotham's Killer Croc. 

The story also references aspects of Star Trek's "Miri," Battlestar Galactica's "The Young Lords" and Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome, wherein children are led into peril, in this case as Idris and Snake battle intersecting mobsters who hope to seize a prototype jeep.  

Like my first, Snake Plissken, Eighth Tower submission, this one transpires a short period after the original John Carpenter/Nick Castle movie. 

For those interested in reading "Snake vs Snake," Eighth Tower Magazine awaits. Portions of the magazine are free through Patreon, with benefits available at various, subscription levels. It's well worth a look, for the site offers not only interesting fiction, but enriching explorations of the company's amazing, experimental music.


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