Wednesday, July 3, 2024

As the World Comes Apart ...

As the world comes apart at the seams (with suffocating inflation, endless children enslaved and another world war looming), my "peers" are content to criticize an actor's Superman suit for a movie that's still in its rough phases. For the sake of their global views, their quips are at best pyrrhic and bound by a typical, uninformed arrogance that makes me want to pound them into the ground.

Listen, there's nothing wrong with offering an "opinion," dishing up a reflective blog or being passionate or concerned about an artistic venue, a beloved character or editorial view, but such ad-nauseum, unsubstantiated, cry-baby, day-after-day, retreaded denouncements and exaltations on either the "profound" or the "whimsical" aren't endearing or helpful. They're irritating, to the point that I believe Bill Shatner summed it up best when he said,  

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