Sunday, September 18, 2022

Collection Recommendation: Mr. Lobo's Cinema Insomnia (Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things)

Mr. Lobo's Cinema Insomnia goes the vibrant, Blu-ray route with an extra-special release of one of my all-time favorites: Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things (aka Revenge of the Living Dead). 

This black-arts, island-cemetery classic was forged by Deathdream's masterminds, producer/director/writer Bob (Black Christmas '74/A Christmas Story) Clark and writer/makeup artist Alan (Deranged/Cat People '82) Ormsby. 

Ormsby even plays the roguish Uncle Alan in the movie and is abetted by a theater troupe, and its related acquaintances, portrayed by Anya Ormsby, Jane Daily, Valerie Mamches, Jeffrey Gillen (Christmas Story's Santa and Deranged's codirector!), Paul Cronin, Roy Engleman, Robert Philip, Alecs Baird, Bruce Solomon and Seth Sklarey as Orville, the tale's main, defiled corpse. 

Children emerged in 1972 as a result of Night of the Living Dead's cultish, ticket-grabbing status, but more than holds its own with its ghoulish, fog-enshrouded delights. Its sacrilegious setup also foreshadows Evil Dead, with an ending that smacks of Lucio Fulci's Zombie (2).

Mr. Lobo makes this Children release eventful by not only engaging his viewers with incisive humor, but introducing them to his immobile agent, Gernie. Dixie Lobo, Miss Mittens, Joe La Scola, Jessie Seeherman (the tasty Countess Bloodsugar), Roxanne Guarino (doing a terrific Anya Ormsby tribute) and Sally the Zombie Cheerleader (who offers some swell, gelatinous, Flesh-o recipes) heighten the frightful fun. And as a cool, corpse-based bonus, the disc contains an interview by Mr. Lobo with Terry (Weekend at Bernie's) Kiser!

This Cinema Insomnia submission is definitely worth adding to one's "misunderstood" collection and is guaranteed to pad any sleepless night. Unearth it at

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