Wednesday, January 1, 2025


I must say, 2024 was a fruitful year when it came to encounters with two-faced, blabbermouths and high-ranking, pompous assess; so, as a New Year's resolution, I now offer a tardy, Festivus queue to air a few "lowercase" (but no less important) grievances, if only against those who might wish to rub me the wrong way in 2025. The set rolls as follows ...

1) Those individuals who end up in high positions at work stations, sidelining from the outside to criticize the established "norm" and its functions, even though these hotshots won't learn one iota of what that staff actually does. These jackasses offer solutions to problems they imagine for whatever cause, but how can they improve what they've never tested? (Sit down and learn the staff's functions, I say; if you'd only do that much, maybe then you might bring something worth while to the table.) 

2) Know-it-alls with Facebook accounts (or any such related sources), who act like gurus on any given subject, when in fact, they don't know as much as the people who visit their pretentious, halfass sites. Just because these goofs have constructed subject-oriented pages doesn't bestow them the right to put down others, particularly those who are veritable authors and filmmakers. (In other words, if any should feel inclined to put my book or article down, at least let me see theirs. Oh, that's right, they haven't written anything, and contrary to what they might claim, posted, Facebook denouncements don't count.) 

3) "Charitable" organizations that are selective to a fault. These charities aren't as bad as those that promise to give to those in need, while lining their own pockets; however, I can't help but frown upon those hypocritical organizers who discriminate based on social and/or political turns, such as an election outcome. These sorts of sour-grapes administrators go under the radar for a spell and then service only those who constitute their short-sighted league. There's nothing charitable when it comes to bigotry. If a "charity" is gonna play the "kindness" and "love thy neighbor" game, then damn it, please play it from all respectable ends, no matter the denominations or affiliations involved. I don't care how colorful your costumes, banners or T-shirts are, if you're evading a particular group or condemning a particular, political or religious faction, then you shouldn't be in the nonprofit business, or in the least, you should be upfront as to where the damn funds land.     

Anyhow, there you have my big three, and for those who might wish to practice any of the above, whether toward me (or anyone I respect and/or care about), be warned! I'll have no choice but to retaliate! (And if by chance, you have a problem with my complaints, leave your comments below. It's the easiest way to commence a hearty,  tribunal brawl.)  

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