Tuesday, September 3, 2024


A 68-page treasure trove of high-class horror beckons in Classic Monsters of the Movies #32, emboldened by Daniel Horne's biting depiction of Lon Chaney Sr.'s beaver-hatted "parasite" of London After Midnight

Beneath Chaney's emblematic makeup is a thorough analysis of the lost, MGM, Tod Browning fable, which so many pray will someday be disinterred; and this reflection is paired with an opulent view of Terence Fisher/Hammer Studios' Barre Lyndon-based, The Man Who Could Cheat Death, headlined by the uber-erudite Anton Diffring, in an ageless diversion that reunites The Curse of Frankenstein's Christopher Lee and Hazel Court. 

For added menace, the great, character actor Ernest Thesiger shares the sinister spotlight, as do the classic imagi-movies in which he starred with Boris Karloff, Bride of Frankenstien, The Old Dark House and The Ghoul.

Issue #32 also carries articles on William Castle/Vincent Price's gimmick-wound The Tingler; the hellbound, family ties of Ari Aster's classic-bound Hereditary; "Sweeny Todd's Cellar," which exalts recent, cultivated collectibles; and an impassioned look at the tragedies that befell some of Horrorwood's biggest names, including the Chaneys, Bela Lugosi, Helen Chandler, James Whale and Colin Clive.

Every page of Classic Monsters #32 deserves applause, thanks to the participation of Nige Burton, Jamie Jones, Dave Huckvale, Marcus Turner and Alex Hopkins, whose scholarly essays are teamed with imposing, historic posters and stills, all printed on high-quality stock.  

Don't miss out! Order Classic Monsters #32 at 


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