Hello, folks. I'm posting a reminder that I've been published in in two, recent anthologies.
The first, released in late January, is from Eighth Tower Publications, a Dark Fiction submission entitled The Neuromancers: Stories Inspired by William Gibson's universe. My contribution is "With Eyes Unconstrained," which merges cyberpunk mythology with elements of Rod Serling's Twilight Zone classic, "The Obsolete Man," among other dystopic tales.
The second, released in late February, is from Airship 27 Productions and entitled The Phantom Detective, Vol 3, which caters to the great, pulp investigator, Richard Curtis Van Sloan, aka the Phantom.
My story for Phantom Detective #3 is called "The Phantom of the Garage" and pits Van against a mysterious, deformed gangster who shakes down citizens for protection money, including Van's hard-working pal, Jerry Lannigan.
Neuromancers is available in hardback and paperback at
and Phantom Detective #3 is available in paperback at
Please consider purchasing either or both. Thanks for your support. 😊
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