Sunday, May 12, 2024


I'm proud to report that my cyberpunk story, "With Eyes Unconstrained," has been submitted to and accepted by Raffaele Pezzella for Eighth Tower's upcoming (yet-to-be-subtitled), Dark Fiction curation. 

Though "With Eyes Unconstrained" is based on the works of William Gibson and Phillip K. Dick, its allegorical angle slides into The Twilight Zone ("The Obsolete Man"), The Outer Limits ("O.B.I.T.") and the parables of Ray Bradbury (Fahrenheit 451 and "Usher II" of The Martian Chronicles), with blaring nods to those perennial, dystopic staples, Aldous Huxley's Brave New World and George Orwell's 1984

"With Eyes Unconstrained" also flavors its margins with a little, related this and that, including some subtle wiring from EquilibriumA Clockwork OrangeBatman BeyondJudge Dredd, Logan's RunRollerball 1975 and Death Race 2000. Indeed, as far as its suppressive icing goes, my calamitous cake is tyrannical tech at every layer. 

"With Eyes Unconstrained" is, above all, a declaration against clutching, cybernetic unity with a warning against those societies that promote bad behavior over good. (Sounds like the present, doesn't it?) 

In the Dark Fiction series, this volume holds the potential to be the best yet. I'll be pleased to keep Bizarrechats readers abreast of its construction. 

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