The latest installment pays proper homage to the Mexican monster-movie/wrestling superhero scene. Tangible Vandalism #3: The Mexi-Horror has it all, in this regard, including the lovely Tina and super-wrestler, the Aztec Angel as its hosts; plus Dracula; the Frankenstein Monster; and the Wolfman in a surreal "Three Bears" variation. There are also wonderful sketches of the Batwoman (based on Mexi-movie lore); the Baron of Terror (aka, the Brainiac); Phil Tucker's much maligned Ro-Man; and more!!!
Of course, if you're a Gutierrez fan, you already know what distinguishes his Bandido Studios Comics and Arts entries: ultra-detailed illustrations, snappy dialogue, inside jokes and plenty of feminine curves. Each and every page of Tangible Vandalism delivers in this respect, making it more imaginative (and therefore, superior) to the many predictable comics one finds in most mainstream stores.
If you're in tune with Gutierrez's distinguished fancies (and how could you not be?), you'll jump at the chance to purchase a copy. At a mere $5, you're guaranteed to get more than get your money's worth.
You can touch base with Gutierrez at his Facebook pages: Bandido Studios Comics and Arts or under his name, Jesse Lalochezia Gutierrez. Act now while copies are still available!!!