Tuesday, November 5, 2019


Ron Fortier recruited me to pen a "Purple Scar" adventure. My story will appear in Vol IV of Airship 27 Production's ongoing series.

The Purple Scar is a character attributed to John S. Endicott, though some historians claim that the name is just a cover for a number of pulp writers who contributed to the saga in the early '40s for Exciting Detective.

For the record, the Purple Scar is in truth a brilliant plastic surgeon named Miles Murdock. Murdock's brother was murdered, his face blemished by acid and his carcass dumped into the river, only to be discovered days after the grisly fact. To cope and avenge his brother's death, Murdock wears a mask molded from his sibling's deformities. Talk about striking fear into the hearts of evil!!!

I became familiar with the Purple Scar after reading Ron Fortier's crossover novella, "Faces of Fear" (see June '17 review), where the crusader teams with the fabled Black Bat. 

My yarn will pit the Purple Scar against a mythological monster, though there will be a twist to the creature's origin and progression.

I'm honored to be a part of this classic, pulp hero's tapestry and will keep all posted on the volume's inevitable publication. 

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