Tuesday, January 15, 2019


Here I am again (and without an iota of apology) to praise my gorgeous wife, Donna for another bright bill of health. That's not to say that all is indefectible (hey, who can ever make that claim?), but Donna has achieved progress in ways that others can only imagine or when enmity rears its envious head, deride. 

The cause of dear Donna's success--courage. Some will scoff at that. Donna and I know folks who've belittled, downplayed and ignored her plight, all the while flaunting cowardice as their brazen badge. (Generally, their excuse is some faux, psychiatric label to rationalize their slothful phlegm; meanwhile, they're eager to work under the table and collect off the taxpayer's dime. How bold.) I'm damn proud of my spouse for being an adamant exception to that popular, craven rule: my real-life Power Girl through and through. 

Congratulations, my love, from the bottom of my heart. May this be but another high point in a long, indefatigable series. And to those insensitive shammers itchin' to judge, do us a favor: Go quiver under some dark, slimy rock. Donna WILL continue to reside within the warm winner's circle, pleased that her prize was won legitimately and straight from the heart.  


  1. Congratulations and all admiration from a woman who's trying to do what she does that well !!! But not that well haha

    1. You're so kind, Gamitiel. Donna and I do appreciate your kind words. I'm sure you do quite well and then some, my friend.
