Monday, May 1, 2023


A sanctimonious group, Inclusive Minds, wishes to rewrite Roald Dahl, on the basis that some of the author's lingo might prove offensive to spineless sheep. 

The tactic (i.e. the sneaky rationale) is more one of neutering expression and the ingrained structure of history, as opposed to promoting "inclusion". To rephrase, the intent is made not in the name of acceptance, but rather suppression, and the socio-political faction that desires this purgation is akin to those militant monsters who once goose-stepped across (and upon) cultural lines. (Ah, how prophetic fellow authors George Orwell, Aldous Huxley and Ray Bradbury were; too bad their warnings weren't taken more to heart.) 

Dear Dahl is but one in a continuing queue to receive such trampling under sensitivity's guise. Keep in mind, erasing Ralph Kramden, Pepe Le Pew, Elmer Fudd's rifle, E.T.'s guns, Grease, PsychoHuckleberry Finn (and Samuel Clemens in general), Candace Owens, Dr. Seuss, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Tucker Carlson, Rose McGowan, John Cleese, Dave Chappelle, Caitlyn Jenner, Bill Maher, Piers Morgan, Sharon Osbourne and (dare I say it?) even Louis Farrakhan won't improve the world. It'll do the opposite. Permitting a diverse, aesthetic lineage is what will sustain and encourage us on the whole, pressing discussion, debate, knowledge and from it, freedom of thought for all.

Let Mr. Dahl's works be! Let open-mindedness and an upright analysis of the unfettered past, present and future reign supreme! 

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