Wednesday, February 19, 2020


For decades, you have remained a force to be reckoned with in Brazil and beyond: a man who combined classic horror with a modern zest for long-nailed gore.

Time and again, I've watched, relished and cringed at your fiery queue: "At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul"; "This Night I Will Possess Your Corpse"; "The Strange World of Coffin Joe"; "Awakening of the Beast"; "The Bloody Exorcism of Coffin Joe"; "The Strange Hostel of Naked Pleasures"; "Hallucinations of a Strange Mind"; "Perversion"; "Hellish Flesh"; and "Embodiment of Evil". Beyond any doubt, I've become more insightful for each and every startling view. 

Your contributions to macabre, popular culture are unmatched, Mr. Marins, as are your unique, philosophical views. In this regard, you taught me to see and divide the ramifications of good and evil on levels I could have never ever envisioned, making you a teacher and scholar I will continue to hold near and dear to my dark, receptive heart.

Long Live In Life and Death, the one, the only--Ze do Caixao!!!

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