Wednesday, January 1, 2025


The importance of kindness, and the claim that there's so little of it anymore in the world, has been spread thickly within the last month, reaching feverish prominence with the advent of James Gunn's Superman, teaser trailer, prompted even further by the writer/director's comments on such. Personally, it don't get the hubbub, not so much regarding the upcoming movie in general (which I do anticipate with great interest), but the whole kindness push as it stands in the current, social scheme of things. 

Maybe that's because certain, kindness advocates I know are just plain cruel. When they say there should be more kindness in the world, what they mean is, they can say whatever hateful thing they want, but if you dare offer a rebuttal, you're unkind. You're the problem. That's how it works with these jerks. 

I've heard the same horseshit in the recent past regarding how its good if one is made to feel uncomfortable during a socio-political discussion: that discomfort should be encouraged if it changes views. In other words, it's okay for you feel uncomfortable by something that some uninformed nitwit says, but you better not reciprocate with your own opinion, no matter how informed it may be. If you do, then you've crossed the line.

Kindness shouldn't be ballyhooed as a one-sided weapon (a new twist, that is, on old, PC gimmickry). It should come from the heart and from both ends. Kindness is a two-way street. Too bad certain people pushing the concept see it only one way, and that's no way to make the world a better place, regardless of any message that a new, Superman movie may or may not endorse. 

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