Monday, May 4, 2020


"Creepshow" returns Monday, May 4th (at 10 pm), though now on AMC (initiated of course, by the streaming service, Shudder), but wasn't "Tales from the Darkside" every bit the same deal back in the day? 

Even so, the new incarnation has much to rival, for the '82 classic (directed by George Romero, penned by Stephen King and special-effected by Tom Savini) renewed an interest in all things more-or-less EC. In other words, it was a big deal in its time, or at least became enough to earn a significant cult following. 

"Creepshow 2" (another blend by the masterful trio) spread the influence even further, with a third compilation constructed by Ana Clavell and James Glenn Dudelson (in the Tarantino vein), which was successful enough to spark sales when placed on Best Buy's shelves. 

Make-up man and executive-producer supreme, Greg Nicotero (of "Creepshow 2", "Day of the Dead '85" and "The Walking Dead" fame) helms this ambitious extension, with twelve episodes in all.

I'm glad this series was made, and it's not even a matter of it being "Creepshow" (and that the likes of Savini, King, Joe Lansdale, John Harrison, Bruce Davison, Giacarlo Esposito, Tobin Bell, Adrienne Barbeau and Tricia Helfer are a part). It's the simple fact that we have another horror anthology on the air in a time when, beyond this one example, they're nowhere to be found. 

If we're lucky, maybe the new "Creepshow" will inspire HBO to get off its "etiquette crotch" and produce another "Tales from the Crypt".  Now, wouldn't that be competitively dandy?

1 comment:

  1. From what I've so far seen, the set-ups are gripping, but the hows and whys are missing. The endings are abrupt, not fulfilling. The atmospheric texture, however, hits the spot, but will that be enough to enchant over the long run?
