Is it true or just a bunch of fanboy bull? No sooner do we learn that Michael Keaton will join Ezra Miller for Andy Muschietti's "Flashpoint", we then learn that Ben Affleck will also enter the plot, establishing two Dark Knights for the price of one. (Meanwhile, Robert Pattinson will fly solo in Matt Reeve's alternate-reality, reset flick. Will it trigger a trio crossover? Probably not, but then as the ol' Bond axiom goes, "never say never again", right? {BTW: I found "The Batman" trailer to be damn dark and dandy in its riddled, "Long Halloween" atmosphere and allusions.})

With all that said, in the DC multiverse, the intersecting of different actors playing the same character at the same (tit-for-tat) time is common, but the gimmick hasn't until now been so seriously considered for the big, WB screen. That's what makes this potential (fated?) "Flashpoint" teaming so extraordinary. (That other silver-screen, DC performers could {should} be on board, only increases the anticipation. {Hey, Henry Cavill, over what surrogate Earth are you now flying?})
Let those parallel-universe crossovers mount, I say! Considering the way CW intermingled the DC crusaders (even going so far as to have Miller's Barry Allen cameo on Grant Gustin's show), we've more than gotten our feet wet, and are we at all complaining?
A big-screen blending would make a live-action "Flashpoint" adaptation a revolutionary "Justice League" sequel, and with "Justice League: the Synder Cut" on the horizon (and acting no less than another official, parallel chapter in the franchise), the timely texturing couldn't be better.
It would sure be neat to see Keaton's Bruce Wayne tangle with Affleck's (if only in a brotherly and/or father/son sorta way), giving us the equivalent of when "Doctor Who" started its sagacious mixing and matching some decades back. Shoot, if it worked for the BBC, why the hell not for DC/WB? (Then again, word has it that Affleck's Batman may only be a lead-in for the Keaton/Miller team-up. Whatever the ultimate novelty {if any should, indeed, occur}, "Flashpoint'"s innate influences should spawn a huge moneymaker when {and if} movie houses do reopen across the land.)