Monday, February 5, 2018


Hot Diggity! The wait is over! Jesse Lalochezia Gutierrez's Tales from the Barrio #8 has at long last entered existence!!!

As with each and every Barrio entry, Gutierrez exceeds expectations, hitting ever higher heights of surprise. In fact, I do believe this new chapter has an even greater element of relationship bonding than those that have come before. However, don't let that put you off. Gutierrez would never blemish his saga with mere mush. This Barrio offers identifiable passion among its characters, and to ensure the lump sum is tasty, there's a decent serving of healthy lust!!!

To fuel that lust, we have Gutierrez's libido-liftin' ladies. Just feast your eyes on the examples featured in this post; and trust me, folks, these are only a warm-up for what's in store. (Incidentally, I can say with utmost confidence that Tina fans will be pleased as punch!!!)

As Gutierrez's followers darn well know, it's not only striking visuals that the artist presents, but realistic dialogue: that is, his characters speak the way real people speak. This formula gives this chapter a nice chime of grit and grime, joy and fear, camaraderie and intrigue: a solid, character-building technique that will keep readers hooked from start to finish. 

You'll no doubt want to purchase a copy, so feel free to touch base with Gutierrez at ... ... or leave me a message to share with the maestro. 

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