Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Collectible Time #16: Dark Knight/Joker, Iron Man/Submariner Plaques

Hey, there, folks! Thanks to my wife, Donna, I obtained two more wooden-backed, comic-book plaques for Christmas. 

First up is "Legends of the Dark Knight 'Images' #50", featuring a matching Joker and cat (reminiscent of my little Cody and me on our more gleeful days, I dare say). This is a yellow-lettered version of the cover, which I do prefer over the red. The expressions, of course, are priceless (and enhanced by Batman looming outside the window)!!!

Next up is "Invisible Iron Man #25", which not only features Tony Stark, but Namor, the Sub-mariner in confrontational mode. Having these two titans in the same image makes it significant for any superhero fan (and worthy of any wall)!!!

1 comment:

  1. I just love the Dark Knight image #50! It almost looks like a sinister Cheshire cat!
