Saturday, February 1, 2025


One of the macabre greats returns to theaters in remastered form to tear our souls apart once more, thanks to Fathom Events. The submission is, of course, Clive Barker's Hellraiser

The movie, based on Barker's Faustian novella, The Hellbound Heart, may have begun with modest acceptance, but soon ascended in popularity through video rentals and word of mouth. It spawned three, cinematic features; a subsequent line of direct-to-disc sequels; a Hulu reboot; Marvel/Epic and Boom! comic-book series; fan clubs; and a torrent of high-quality collectibles, most of which are still sought after today. 

The original movie wasn't only penned by Barker, but directed by him and offers an impressive cast (several members close to Barker's heart): Doug Bradly (Pinhead); Simon Bamford (Butterball); Nicholas Vince (Chatterer); Grace Kirby (the Female); Sean Chapman/Oliver Smith (Uncle Frank); Clare Higgins (Julia); Andrew Robinson (Larry), Robert Hines (Steve) ... and Ashley Laurence (Kirstie). This ensemble is, indeed, pleasing and helped to embed the erotic, Hammer-like charm that Barker desired, albeit with a sadomasochistic puzzle box for followers to test and adore. 

It hardly seems that almost forty years have passed since Hellraiser's release, but such only proves the movie has weathered the fickle test of time and beyond any doubt will continue to do so. After all, it has so many devilish sights to show ... over and over again. 

Hellraiser re-possesses cinemas February 5 & 6. Check local listings for showtimes, and oh, for sweet anguish's sake, be certain to bring your Lament Configuration to ensure the utmost, heightened effect. 

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