Saturday, June 1, 2024

Collectible Time: Diamond Select Predator & Silver Surfer Bottle-Top Openers

By fortitious chance, considering I've been on a Diamond Select kick, I came across a swell set of the company's metal, bottle-top openers at a random, yard sale.

The first featured is an unmasked, Predator face. The nifty device measures 3.5" x 4" and flaunts ferocious scowl, with its open mouth (supported by sturdy mandibles) as its means of bottle-top removal. But outside that function, this creation works just as well as a cool, frig magnet (for which it's also designed) or with some careful bashing, a peerless pin. 

Next up is a 6" x 8", figural representation of Marvel's Norrin Radd, aka the Silver Surfer, with his shimmering vessel of choice molded to his back.

The curved opening near the surfboard's tip removes the tops, but that gap doesn't steal from the piece's aesthetics (as the stock images show).

Though I'm not inclined to open many bottles beyond the twist-top type these days, these Diamond Select novelties are worthy additions to my Predator and Silver Surfer collections. They're also about $20 a pop per most online sources, so for those seeking inexpensive, specialized gifts for friends, such submissions should do the metallurgic trick.


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