Sunday, October 27, 2019


To have caught a first-run, classic "Twilight Zone" at Halloween would have been such a treat, but to catch a first run of Michael Ferentino's "Virtual Halloween Party" is without question on the same melodramatic par.

Michael Ferentino's latest Black Box Recordings experiment (done in the style of his haunting "Exquisite Machines" segments) captures the season to the creepy tee with tortured souls, bloodsuckers and reanimated corpses, delivered via vintage trailers, hallucinogenic sweeps, and crisp, Halloween vignettes. (There are even a few gorgeous gals at play to supplement the dreamy delight. Hot cha-cha!!!)

The culmination is as warm as a jack-o'-lantern and as equally well lit: an hour-long beacon for the crusty-leaf season and a musical spell sprung to instill weird awe and wonderment: a grand gift from some of the best avant-garde artists in the world. 

Let Ferentino's "Virtual Halloween Party" seize you now with its autumnal bait. You'll find the ingredients no less than chillingly great:

1 comment:

  1. Alas, Michael Ferentino informed me that WB evidently took the video down based on copyright infringement. And to think that something of this nature would act more as a promotional device more than an infringement. Oh, well. Anyway, I did enjoy the package while it played. Nevertheless, Michael will be sharing clips of the event on Facebook soon.
