Thursday, June 6, 2024


The amazing Almark Thaolen and his wondrous WEATNU (We Are The New Underground) are starting a pioneering label, Synthesis Noir. Almark references Synthesis Noir as a splicing of "Cold Wave and digital wires," and it's set to expand beyond even that curious description, with its contents aimed to please connoisseurs of industrial, electro and EBM. Such will spotlight both established and fledgling artists. 

For further details on Synthesis Noir and what it hopes to achieve, one can (and should) read Almark's revealing, WEATNU article. Out of convenience, the article even allows artists to answer the essential call to submit their daring, experimental compositions for Almark's discriminating review. For the sake of Synthesis Noir's nourishment, the more who enter, the better:   

It should also be noted that, as a tangent to Synthesis Noir's advent, Almark's WEATNU digital magazine continues to carry its atmospheric stream of offbeat, SoundCloud artists, which includes such revered names as Mike Brunacini, Ministry, NIN, Severed Heads, Skinny Puppy and Throbbing Gristle. These scene-stealing, avant-garde composers/musicians have ascended into a higher-consciousness uniqueness, and here's a scoop: A portion of the coaxing content will be live! That means WEATNU followers will experience their favorite artists transmitting their foreboding yet transcendental vibes straight from their cozy chambers, or dank dungeons as the case may be. (Right now, the haunting AR89 appears to be the initial guest queued to perform via this exhilarating format.)

The live element is, of course, only a smidgeon of WEATNU's lofty, long-term venture, with it all bouncing back to newcomer, Synthesis Noir. For example, the electrowave-bent StatusOblique will be featured on Synthesis Noir. In addition, contributors from WEATNU's "guitar post-punk" Transmission Nova, such as the Tangerine Dream-ish newcomer, Combover Beethoven, will cross over into Synthesis Noir. To rephrase, Synthesis Noir will be geared, cogged and spooled to give the exploratory, music scene (whether it be dark electro, industrial, ambient, EBM or Goth) an uninhibited intimacy which, up to this point, has remained virtually untouched.

In the meantime, WEATNU will continue to treat fans to its specialized recordings, interviews and articles, which aren't available anywhere else--and that'll include all things related to Synthesis Noir's budding proliferation. 

So, please, do your eyes and ears (not to mention, your heart and soul) a well deserved favor and sign on. And if you're an artist, reach out! Almark would love to hear from you--hear, that is, the special sounds you've concocted. 

If you're, indeed, interested in joining WEATNU's motley crew of dark, synthesis artists, the process is free; so click below or just copy/paste if the click doesn't click 😉: 

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