Wednesday, May 15, 2024



AC's all-color Femforce #203 presents several compelling avenues for our team, as its members face the quarrelsome Queen in Yellow, who's taken possession of Nightveil's beguiling Cloak of Darkness.

The conundrum sets Femforce to dino-based Taragonia and ultimately to the perplexing Dark Dhagor for a dangerous, dimensional-rocking confrontation. 

Issue #203 also features a dreamy, Nightveil interlude, where our lovely mystic rescues Kamalfa from a woeful, environmental station, just as the Black Commando falls to insanity.

The riveting contents spring from contributors Bill Black, Eric Coile, Jeff Austin, and Mark and Stephanie Heike, who keep readers on the edge of their seats and begging for more with their striking visuals and stupendous storytelling. No ifs, ands or buts, this issue holds classic relegation, but then, doesn't every entry in the dazzling series?

Femforce #203 is available here and now through online venues and neighborhood, comic shops. I purchased mine through Steve's Comic Relief at Village Commons, on Quakerbridge Road, Lawrenceville, NJ: a superb hub for all superheroic cravings.

And speaking of cravings, I can't wait for Femforce #204. That suggestive, Tara-vs-snake cover has sure gotten my pulse racing. S-s-schwing!!!

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