Saturday, July 25, 2020

Collection Recommendation: Mr. Lobo's Cinema Insomnia ("Set" 8) on Alpha DVD

It's a "A Hard Day's Nightmare", as Mr. Lobo's Cinema Insomnia hosts an unbridled musical entry, wherein rock 'n' roll gyrations generate hilarious results. 

With this Beatles/Monkees-spoofy release, fans are treated to director/writer Richard Something's 2011, dark comedy, wherein real-life rocker Roger Oddcock (aka Jamie Milliken) and his Clamhawk Manor bandmates (Frankie, Stu and Eight Track) trek to cozy Creepsville West. However, the boys must face an audience of monsters along the way, and monsters are rarely subdued (even when anchored by crazy clowns and animal-suited aggressors). In fact, this ravenous lot is dead set on devouring our irreverent artists to ensure they never play again!  

Director Something (who co-wrote with Milliken and George Sukara) gives this venture plenty of pep, accentuated by Clamhawk's catchy compositions. (Really, each tune is polished, melodious and memorable.) The amusing costume and make-up effects (by Dave Haz-Baroque, Brit Zane and Traci Wrycza) are also neat. 

Keeping with tradition, Mr. Lobo (who cameos in the film) layers his dry whimsy across the package, astutely comparing the production to Del Tenney's "The Horror of Party Beach" and Ray Dennis Steckler's "The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-up Zombies". (The movie also smacks of William J. Hole's "Ghost of Dragstrip Hollow", Roy Ward Baker's "Monster Club" and Jess Franco's "Killer Barbys" set.) In addition, our eager escort bridges the pic with a jam-full of swinging, sing-along inserts and fast, funny fillers, including "A Hard Day's Nightmare" drinking game and extra-special-guest interviews with the film's talented makers! 

I'm ashamed to say that I hadn't heard of "A Hard Day's Nightmare" prior to this presentation, but I'm grateful to Mr. Lobo for tuning me into it (and of course, Oddcock and Clamhawk Manor). The movie is a greater-than-average, "misunderstood" gem and an apt addition to the ever growing Cinema Insomnia collection. (BTW: "Hard Day's Nightmare" spawned a companion piece called "Hell!"  Say, maybe that's one for a future, Cinema Insomnia/Alpha DVD release. I suppose time will tell.) 

Purchase "A Hard Day's Nightmare" at

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